Are Greyhounds Aggressive? [What Might Be Wrong With Your Dog?]

It’s always a good idea to know the facts about different breeds of dogs before you decide which one is right for you. When it comes to Greyhounds, many people are curious about “Are Greyhounds aggressive?” Here are all the facts I found about whether these big dogs are aggressive or not…
Are Greyhounds Aggressive?
Greyhounds are not typically aggressive dogs, as their temperamental nature is to be gentle and non-aggressive. In specific situations, individual Greyhounds can become aggressive for various reasons such as fear or improper socialization; however, they do not have an innate tendency towards aggression.
I will discuss some concerns and answer some questions people may have on the topic. Let’s take a journey together into my research!
Are Greyhounds Considered An Aggressive Breed?
Greyhounds are not considered an aggressive breed. Actually, quite the opposite, they have a loving and non-aggressive, docile nature. Greyhounds are one of the most gentle breeds living.
Despite their hunting nature, Greyhounds are not an intrusive breed by any means. The breed is amicable by nature.
The sweet, friendly character of the Greyhound is unquestionable. It has been noted that this breed makes a great companion animal for any family type or living situation.
They are friendly to pretty much everyone- kids, other pets, and even strangers.
The breed is gentle, noble but also independent, according to The American Kennel Club.
Overprotective owners often make the mistake of interpreting a Greyhound’s playful behavior like aggression and end up making their own dog behave aggressively.
Can Greyhounds Be Aggressive?
It can be a terrifying reality to find yourself around an aggressive Greyhound. These dogs are generally mild and warm, but it is truly dreadful when they suddenly become aggressive.
Greyhounds are known for their kind disposition, easy nature, and non-aggressive trait.
Although they can become aggressive in certain situations, most owners rarely witness this behavior because of how reclusive these dogs typically are.
Individual Greyhounds may be aggressive in specific conditions due to being fearful or inadequately socialized with other dogs.
This behavior is uncommon among the Greyhound breed in general, and less than 1% exhibit any sign that could qualify them for such classification.
The aggression they display is often due to being frightened or uncomfortable with a new person, dog, or situation. If you’re able to get your Greyhound acclimated and comfortable, he will likely be much more pleasant.
The pathway to aggression begins with the first ignored command. From there, growls arise, and when they escalate into bites.
Many owners may not have been paying attention or don’t know how to recognize potential aggression signs in their dog.
These are some of the basic signs your dog is telling to back off before possible aggression:
- growling
- hard look
- direct eye contact
- freezing in place
- stiff-legged walk
- stiffening of the body
Owners of the Greyhound breed need to make sure that their pet is well socialized and not to provide triggers resulting in aggression from time to time.
Greyhound aggression can sometimes happen in response to specific triggers, such as isolation, being ignored by an owner who typically gives affection, and so on.
Territorial disagreements with other pets nearby like cats (especially if you have more than one pet), feeling intimidated due to being frightened awake abruptly during sleep time, etc.
Witnessing fights between different dogs, even their owners, an area where he has his territory marked can trigger Greyhounds’ misbehavior.
Possible types Of Greyhound Aggression
Dog aggression may come in many forms, and owners must recognize which one is the case with their individual Greyhound.
- fear
- possessive
- frustration
- protective
- predatory
- territorial
- pain-evoked
While some are easily solvable, others require professional help.
While there is no guarantee that every type of aggression can be cured entirely, a tiny percentage of all cases end up uncured when it comes to Greyhounds.
No matter what the cause may seem like or how much effort they put in, some studies have shown as many as one out of ten dogs will never get over their aggressive behavior if treated properly.
When Greyhound is afraid of something or someone, such as noise, people, or objects, it can react with aggression.
There are many reasons why a dog might be fear aggressive. Fear can come from past trauma or abuse, though it may not always have been obvious to the owner at the time of occurrence.
Fear aggression has become an increasingly difficult issue for owners – until you address the root cause (the “why”), there’s no way to resolve this behavior type.
This type of aggressiveness isn’t uncommon either; if your Greyhound is showing signs like growling unreasonably while on a leash or trying to bite strangers near him/her, then he/she could very well be afraid!
When it comes to fear aggression, your Greyhound may take as much time getting over it as they did, gaining this type of behavior.
This can be a frustrating experience for both you and your dog, but don’t force the cure; the dog will get over it on its terms.
A Greyhound may confront another dog or even its owner over the possession of a specific item.
Possessiveness can be over many things, anything from its toy, favorite piece of furniture, food dish, or even an individual human in the household. Fortunately, Greyhounds don’t get possessive very often.
Greyhounds may become frustrated and aggressive when they cannot approach something that attracts them.
It’s important to keep in mind that dogs are not always obedient. When they’re frustrated, some may let fly at whoever is keeping them back.
When a Greyhound thinks one of their family members or friends is in danger, they may show aggressive behavior.
Greyhounds can be a very gentle breed of dogs, but there are times when they might not seem so friendly such as if someone tries to break into a home.
A Greyhound could easily become aggressive towards any intruder who poses an immediate threat to their family member.
Greyhounds have a strong prey drive and are sight-oriented, so they can easily take off after small animals in a matter of seconds.
This behavior may come out unexpectedly as it is difficult to control their drives, especially if they are not trained or dominant over the owner.
While a strong prey drive can sometimes look like aggression — especially to your dog’s prey — there is a key difference that is important in understanding your dog’s behavior. Dog aggression is driven by strong emotions, such as fear, says Positively, whereas prey drive is instinctive.
The Greyhound owner might think its dog is just predatory aggressive, but it’s often just a strong prey drive that needs correction.
A dog with such an urge could suddenly start chasing after something small like a squirrel.
Even though the behavior isn’t aggression, this kind of sudden hunting instinct should still be corrected before the dog unintentionally hurts the owner or other animal.
The Greyhound may see itself as the pack leader of your household, so it will try to protect you from intruders, a mailman, or dogs passing by.
As a Greyhound grows, it becomes more interested in “their territory.” If the owner (classified as the pack leader) doesn’t give a steady direction or stops being a leader for a while, the dog will assume he/she is in charge.
Suppose you notice your Greyhound is acting aggressively for no reason at all.
In that case, it’s worth taking it in for a checkup to ensure they are not undergoing any painful condition and do not know how to cope with these feelings other than lashing out physically.
Are Greyhounds Aggressive To Other Dogs?
The average Greyhound is not known for being aggressive to other dogs, as their temperament tends to be gentle and non-aggressive.
But they can sometimes become aggressive if the circumstances call for it – in specific cases where a dog might fear or have been poorly socialized before coming into contact with other dogs.
Aggression among dogs can be a very serious and dangerous issue, so it’s important to nip the problem in the bud.
Aggressive behavior between Greyhound and any other dog breed is never cute or pleasant because they could seriously hurt each other or owners during an altercation.
That being said, aggression among dogs needs special attention. Most dog owners have different expectations for how their dogs should behave around other dogs and don’t see aggressive tendencies as unfavorable.
Greyhound owners need to teach their dogs what is expected from other dogs’ interactions.
If you have a Greyhound that’s really anxious and aggressive, it might be the result of poor socialization.
Luckily there are ways to train your dog, so it gets along with all types of dogs!
Here are reasons why a loving Greyhound can become aggressive towards other dogs:
- dominance aggression
- fear aggression
- the Greyhound has been attacked in the past
Inter-dog aggression in Greyhounds is considered normal to a certain level in a specific situation as one dog is dominant, and the other is submissive. However, it’s never a pleasant incident.
In some cases, though, it occurs at an extreme level which can be associated with a lack of training or Greyhounds’ genetic factors.
If your Greyhound is too strong and you don’t know how to control a dog, consult with an expert in the field of dog training or behavior before things get worse and potentially dangerous for both yourself and others around you.
Are Greyhounds Food Aggressive?
Greyhounds are not known for being food aggressive. In some situations, depending on the individual dog and the circumstances, a Greyhound may become food-aggressive if starved or abused.
Greyhound food aggression is a form of resource guarding in which the dog exhibits very defensive behavior while eating, using warnings to force others away from its food. It can be focused on other animals or humans- sometimes both.
Are Greyhounds Dangerous?
Greyhounds have big bodies, but they’re truly one of the most harmless breeds out there – ask any owner or dog lover.
The breed is known to be disciplined and friendly, so they have no reputation for being dangerous.
If a Greyhound displays any signs of aggression or hostility, it’s undoubtedly because some stimulus inspired the dog to react with such behavior.
Can An Aggressive Greyhound Be Cured?
Greyhound aggression is an issue that won’t go away overnight.
Your dog has likely been doing this for a while, and it will need more time than usual to make changes and correct negative behavior.
When curing a Greyhound’s aggressive behavior, it’s important to be patient and consistent. It might seem exhausting at first, but most issues could go away depending on the aggression level with time and patience.
It’s crucial to find out the cause behind inappropriate behavior.
When a Greyhound is aggressive, there are many potential causes for such extreme behavior; but it can be cured if treated in time.
With that said, there’s no 100% guarantee that a highly aggressive Greyhound can be fully cured, but there are ways to control the problem.
If you know what triggers their aggression and how it might happen again in a different situation, avoid those situations.
Most Greyhounds are not truly aggressive but poorly socialized, and they need the proper canine communication skills.
It is required to be a strong, confident leader when training your Greyhound. With daily work and commitment, you can turn an aggressive dog into a devoted companion.
Some owners may not be strong enough or know how to help out their Greyhound, who needs guidance.
They should consider seeking someone else’s support instead of trying on their own.
An obedience class can help you and your dog learn new things, develop self-confidence, grow in the knowledge of the world around them and make friends with other dogs, pets, and people.