Do Golden Retrievers Bark A Lot? [Why They Bark and How To Fix It]

Golden Retrievers are known for their friendly and cheerful personalities and their high popularity in the USA. They may be the best family dogs, but it’s good to know other facts as well. Many future owners wonder, “Do Golden Retrievers bark a lot?” Would barking cause issues if you decide to own this dog breed? Here is everything you need to know about this topic.
- Do Golden Retrievers Bark A Lot?
- Are Golden Retrievers Barkers?
- Why Do Golden Retrievers Bark So Much?
- Possible Reasons Why Your Golden Retriever Is Barking A Lot
- 1. Boredom As Cause For Golden Retrievers Excessive Barking
- 2. Separation Anxiety As Cause For Golden Retrievers Excessive Barking
- 3. Excitement As Cause For Golden Retrievers Excessive Barking
- 4. Attention (Demand) As A Cause Of Golden Retriever Barking
- 5. Fear Can Cause Your Goldie To Bark A Lot
- 6. Medical Condition As A Result Of Golden Retriever’s Excessive Barking
- Possible Reasons Why Your Golden Retriever Is Barking A Lot
- Golden Retrievers Barking A Lot – Solutions
- What Not To Do When Golden Retriever Barks?
Do Golden Retrievers Bark A Lot?
Golden retrievers are generally average barkers, meaning that they will not typically bark a lot or start barking without much provocation or reason. Nevertheless, individual Golden Retrievers can bark excessively due to excitement, boredom, anxiety, frustration, fear, or even a medical condition.
Many questions come to mind concerning this matter, everything from why Golden Retrievers bark a lot when they do and what you can do to correct unreasonable barking. I was able to answer all the related questions in the post below.
Are Golden Retrievers Barkers?
Barking is a natural behavior for Retrievers. They bark out of sense and use it as an effective way to communicate with humans, other animals, and other dogs.
Golden Retrievers are not high-level barkers if their owners are giving clear leadership.
You may experience your dog being a barker on the walk, but owners can quickly correct this behavior with training.
Some of them enjoy barking at other dogs, a mail carrier, someone at the door, or a neighbor’s cat on the fence, but training can correct these barking issues.
Do Golden Retriever Puppies Bark A Lot?
While most Golden Retriever puppies will bark to some level, there are times when the barking is too much for the owner. The more training your puppy has, the calmer and less of a barker the puppy will be.
Your golden retriever pup will be adjusting to their new environment in a brand-new house over the first few weeks, so they will need your help to keep occupied and to avoid barking unreasonably.
This is an easy time frame in which you can help the Golden Retriever puppy learn manners by teaching them what behavior is and isn’t acceptable.
If an owner lets a young Golden Retriever puppy run the house, it will usually have behavioral problems. These can include excessive barking and chewing on everything in sight to get its attention drawn away from boredom or loneliness.
The most common Golden Retriever puppy barking is when it’s in the crate, either at night or during the day when left alone. It can be a stressful experience for the owner and a puppy.
It’s not easy when you know that he has no control over his environment, and you can’t be there for your pup.
To prevent separation anxiety in your puppy, spend some time away from him every day. The alone-time will teach the Golden puppy it’s okay to stay by himself and won’t need constant companionship with you or other people.
The best way to break this habit of loneliness and anxiety is to provide plenty of mental stimulation like a good chew bone to keep the puppy occupied.
How To Stop Your Golden Retriever Puppy From Barking In The Crate?
Your crate should be a place of comfort for your puppy, your pup’s sanctuary, where they can escape the chaos outside and have some peace at night or during daytime hours.
The crate time needs to be valued as your Golden Retriever puppy’s secure place and should be connected with the reward and never punishment.
Very rarely, the puppy will love the crate immediately and won’t bark while in the crate. When your pup is barking insistently, it’s frustrating.
There are specific steps to teach your puppy how to love its crate and not to bark while in the crate…
- play games with the pup first to get used to going in and out of the crate
- use the distraction when putting the puppy in the crate (use chew toys such as Kong or Nylabone)
- exercise your puppy before putting it in the crate (especially overnight)
- put the puppy in the crate at different times during the day
- move the crate around the house during the day and each time, leave the puppy in for a few minutes
- use a calming tool such as music for dogs, diffuser with lavender scent, or soothing dog pheromone scent
- use your voice at first and say something like “hey” immediately after the puppy starts barking
- praise the puppy after it stops barking by saying “good boy/girl”
- please wait until the dog is calm to let it out of the crate
What not to do with Golden puppy and crate…
- use the crate that is too big—the puppy should be able to turn around and lay down
- lock the puppy immediately in the crate
- leave the chewable bedding in the crate
- put pee pads in the crate to encourage them to use it as a washroom
- make a big deal when releasing the puppy from the crate
- let the dog out of the crate when barking
- reward the puppy with food or a treat when barking
- make a big deal out of leaving a puppy in the crate when leaving the house
Even though not all the steps above will be necessary for every Golden Retriever puppy, you still want to use them and crate train the puppy. Remember that a crate-trained puppy is better behaved, safer, calmer, and easier to train in the future.
Do Golden Retrievers Bark At Night?
Night barking is not the typical behavior of most Golden Retrievers.
Goldie might only bark at night if there are good reasons to do so; generally speaking, the Golden who has been appropriately trained should not bark unless it senses some danger or an intruder.
My family had a female Golden Retriever who was extremely friendly and sweet, but she would bark and bark on everything that moves when she was spending time outside at night.
The other dogs barking from a far distance would especially motivate her to bark excessively.
Do Golden Retrievers Bark At Strangers?
Even though they are a very friendly breed, some Golden Retrievers will bark at strangers. It usually happens while on a leash or when the stranger is approaching Golden’s territory.
Goldie might bark loudly when it sees a stranger across the street or at unfamiliar guests in the neighbor’s back yard.
Remember that dogs are always on the lookout for danger, which is why a barking dog can be an invaluable warning system.
If you have any mistrust about someone approaching your house at night, even if it’s just one of those pesky solicitors—trust in this natural canine instinct to protect their home and family.
Do Golden Retrievers Bark A Lot At Other Dogs?
As they’re often seen as having the perfect temperament because of their intelligence and friendliness, many people are unaware that Goldens might not react well when he sees other dogs.
Many Golden Retrievers will bark at other dogs out of fear or excitement, especially when walking on a leash and another dog is approaching.
It can be frustrating to take a dog that barks at every dog on the way for walks and in public places, and this behavior is more common with Golden Retrievers than you may think.
Training your dog to focus on you and learn acceptable behavior around other dogs will take time, but it needs to be done if you want them to interact with different dogs.
Why Do Golden Retrievers Bark So Much?
Even though barking is a normal part of being a Golden Retriever, and some barking is expected, unnecessary barking isn’t just an annoyance to their owners but also a next-door neighbors.
When it comes to barking, Golden Retrievers are sometimes just being their friendly and playful selves. However, excessive amounts of this do not go unnoticed and can cause a lot of issues.
When dealing with excessive Golden Retriever barking, it’s important to remember that another problem may be causing the dog to bark, such as boredom or anxiety.
Goldie’s barking is a problem, but you can help your dog to stop. Find out what triggers the unwanted barking, and try to find ways of giving your pup more positive experiences when they’re not barking.
When an owner fails to take the time needed for proper socialization with the dog, the dog can suffer from excessive barking, partly because of a lack of clear guidelines on appropriate behavior.
There are only a few acceptable reasons for excessive barking. Of course, you do want your dog to bark to protect you (aggressive Golden Retriever barking), to warn you of potential danger, or get attention if you or someone else is hurt.
Possible Reasons Why Your Golden Retriever Is Barking A Lot
There are countless causes why your Golden Retriever could be barking so much, but the most common ones are:
- Boredom
- Separation anxiety
- Excitement
- Fear
- Medical condition
The following information will help you address the possible causes and needs for treatment.
1. Boredom As Cause For Golden Retrievers Excessive Barking
When people don’t give enough attention to their Golden Retrievers, they may become bored and bark excessively. Barking all day may seem like a big deal, but it can be characteristic of your dog’s boredom level.
You might think that Goldie has some serious behavioral issues because he barks so much, and you would want to solve the problem before they get worse for him or other people in the house.
These can help tremendously with boredom…
- take the Goldie out to release the energy before you leave the dog alone for an extended period of time
- playing with toys daily (especially interactive ones)
- spending time outdoors each day
- find new chew objects your dog love (which will help clean his teeth too)
- lots of physical activity is a must for Golden Retrievers
Understandably, this behavior might be worrying to owners, but barking a lot does not surely mean Golden Retriever needs discipline training!
In fact, what many dogs need are mental and physical exercises to keep them occupied, entertained, and healthy.
2. Separation Anxiety As Cause For Golden Retrievers Excessive Barking
Separation anxiety can be habitually created by poor handling. This often happens when we baby the Golden Retrievers and have consistent contact with them.
Dogs need their alone time, just like you do. Giving your dog some space every day will help them be more comfortable being by themselves and not always needing someone around.
The next time you leave the house, don’t get your dog confused by kissing and saying “sorry” before going; just leave without a loving response.
If your Goldie is just a little too excited for you when you come home and barks as soon as you step into the house, ignore the dog until it calms down before giving the attention.
Once the dog is calm and in control of themselves again, give them some love.
3. Excitement As Cause For Golden Retrievers Excessive Barking
When a Golden Retriever gets really curious about an object, favorite person, or animal around them, one way of expressing their excitement is by barking loudly with joy.
This tells others that the dog discovered something exciting, and even though it’s a lot of fun for a Golden Retriever can be really irritating for owners and people nearby.
Your Goldie loves to bark on everything he sees! He is always watching, whether you’re at home or not.
Goldie can bark on everything around him, either when watching through the window but especially when outside. Your furry friend has a lot of energy and excitement that needs to be released.
4. Attention (Demand) As A Cause Of Golden Retriever Barking
Many owners have made a mistake by reacting to their Golden Retriever’s every bark, especially when the dog wants something like an owner’s attention or food while eating.
If your Goldie knows that all it takes to get yummy treats or attention from its humans is a quick bark, then they’ll be sure to do so.
Teach your dog what you want him to do instead of trying to explain that they can’t get what they want.
By reacting and talking to your Goldie, you’re encouraging this behavior. Redirect your dog when it starts barking by teaching them eye contact.
Your Golden Retriever will bark less when in training and focus on you and training, and eventually, stop barking for attention.
When the dog expects to get a reward, it often forgets to bark at all, so get your Golden Retriever focusing on something positive—a treat.
5. Fear Can Cause Your Goldie To Bark A Lot
Barking is often used as a warning that the Golden Retriever feels threatened and is fearful.
Many exhibit this behavior when they’re around other people (such as people in uniform) or objects like cars and sirens.
If your Goldie has not been socialized correctly and is not used to different noises, crowds, or other dogs, barking out of fear for the unknown situation may occur.
Fear barking often happens in dogs who were adopted and went through a traumatic past.
When the Golden Retriever encounters things that spark the fear barking, it’s best to keep him calm and supported by your side.
Redirect the dog from the trigger by focusing on your command, such as “sit,” and maintaining eye contact. Always praise the fearful Goldie for success and staying calm.
It’s essential to always use positive reinforcement and never to punish your dog for being frightened.
6. Medical Condition As A Result Of Golden Retriever’s Excessive Barking
Before you do anything drastic like yelling at your Golden Retriever for the 100th time in continuation, make sure the dog doesn’t have any underlying health conditions.
Do you know that sound of a dog barking? It’s not always due to being upset or excited, and it can be caused by something as harmless as an ear infection.
Barking out of the blue can be a symptom of something like dementia or a brain tumor.
So if your dog is behaving oddly, and you’ve tried everything to get him back on track, but nothing seems to work—it might just be time to visit the veterinarian!
Golden Retrievers Barking A Lot – Solutions
Excessive barking in Golden Retrievers is a problem that needs to be dealt with, but the first step starts by figuring out why your dog barks and what drives these behaviors.
For most Golden Retrievers will take time to overcome barking, but it will make your life easier.
Barking is an annoying problem for many people. What can you do to stop it?
Well, one option would be eliminating triggers that cause barking, like walks outside or putting the blinds down so your dog can’t see other dogs passing by.
Here are some problems with keeping Golden Retriever away from everything and everyone—nobody knows when a trigger might happen, and when it does, it can be a horrifying experience.
The best long-term solution is to train your Golden Retriever so they don’t react and bark at whatever is causing the reaction.
Follow these tips on how to stop your dog from barking in a way that will make them and you happy:
- Socialize your Goldie as much as possible
- Teach your Golden Retriever basic commands like come, sit, stay, and down and use them often
- React before you know the dog will bark
- Distract the dog when a trigger occurs by getting him focusing on you
- Reward the dog for listening and for doing what you expected him to do (during training)
- When possible, train your dog where there are a lot of distractions
- Exercise the dog each day—tired dog reacts less on triggers and barks less
- Use a long lead when you don’t have time to spend next to your dog, for example, in the yard or house—this way, you can correct the dog from the distance when it barks
- Be overwhelmingly consistent in training
- Be patient, it can take hard work to get the Goldie out of barking, but it’s worth it
You can learn from certified K9 behaviorists how to stop your Golden Retriever barking on everything or everyone in the video below.
What Not To Do When Golden Retriever Barks?
There are many ways to deal with a barking dog, but one of the most common and effective methods is avoiding these mistakes.
- Petting a barking dog
- Talking and explaining why he’s not getting the thing that he’s barking for
- Giving treats to barking Golden Retriever to shush him up
- Lock the dog to punish him
- Tie the dog on the short leash as a punishment
- Lose your temper and hit the dog
It’s not easy to correct excessive barking, but it can be a rewarding process if you want your life with the Golden Retriever to be peaceful. To avoid common mistakes is half of what you need to do to have an obedient dog without any undesirable barking.